About Us

The Food Science and Nutrition Department offers comprehensive education in food science and nutrition, from the development of new foods to the study of how foods impact health, wellness, and disease prevention. Our strategic vision is to prepare the food science, nutrition & dietetics professionals of tomorrow via experiential learning and leadership experience. Graduates will have the critical thinking, foundational knowledge and technical skills to solve the challenges related to the health of the community and sustainable and safe food systems. Meeting the increasing demand for food and nutrition experts worldwide, our graduates provide the public with well-prepared and highly competent food science and nutrition professionals.

The FSN Pilot Plant is one of the only university-based food production programs where students work with departmental staff to design and produce commercially sold food items. Through this program, students have exposure to research and development, good manufacturing practices, total quality assurance, food safety and sanitation principles, as well as experience in sales and marketing for our value-added products. These activities provide students an opportunity to fortify the skills learned in their classes to prepare them for their future career in the food industry.

Cal Poly FSN Production employs ~20 undergraduate students to assist in the day to day operations that makes the enterprise successful. The student employees perform tasks such as production scheduling, research and development, inventory management, record keeping, and sales. This is an opportunity for students to benefit from a career building experience while also providing them with a unique job during their time at Cal Poly!

The Food Science & Nutrition Pilot Plant